If you've been online long, you may remember when web hosting was limited. Many companies charged as much as $30 or even $40 per month for fifty megabytes of storage. Bandwidth was equally limited, and if your account went over its limits, your account was suspended until you paid to increase your limits. Unlimited hosting, like that from Yahoo web hosting, was unheard of until quite recently.
Some web hosts still limit bandwidth and usage. Yahoo Web Hosting offers an unlimited hosting plan that allows you to create, and host, a content-filled, user-oriented web site. If your site gets featured on a popular blog, or hits the front page of Digg, many web hosts will shut your site down for overrunning its bandwidth limits. With Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting, your site's popularity will only attract more web visitors!
With broadband connections becoming the rule rather than the exception, and video becoming nearly a necessity for business sites, limited web hosting is a problem. Yahoo web hosting has the answer to that problem. No matter how many video files you want to store, how many times they are accessed, or how much email you get and receive, your account will always be ready to handle it.
The matter of email storage is important. You want to use a company email address, with your company's domain, and maintain an appearance of professionalism. But many web hosts have limits (10 megabytes is common) on the amount of email stored for each address. Yahoo web hosting does not limit your communication with your customers. Send and receive as much email as you like. Yahoo Small Business unlimited hosting includes unlimited email storage.
Your business's growth online depends on your ability to provide the best, and most complete, information to your customers. Storage limits can make it difficult to include as much information as you would like, including video, audio and graphics. With unlimited hosting from Yahoo web hosting, you can put up as many PDF files, as many audios and videos, and as many graphics as you desire. Yahoo Small Business allows you unlimited file storage. If you've ever had a limited hosting account, you'll understand the value of this unlimited storage from Yahoo web hosting.
Yahoo Small Business web hosting is unlimited, and it's affordable. Where many "budget" hosts charge setup fees, Yahoo web sites come with no setup fee. Yahoo web hosting offers affordable pricing, with rates starting at under $9 per month for the first three months.
When you're looking for a host to help your business grow online, you cannot do better than setting up a Yahoo web site. In addition to unlimited Yahoo web hosting for a reasonable price, you'll find other advantages to hosting with Yahoo Small Business. The web design tools make it very easy and very fast to set up a Yahoo web site, at no additional cost. And if you have an issue or a question, you'll find helpful support staff available around the clock to help you get up and running again. And it's Yahoo Small Business, so you know it's reliable.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Sky's The Limit With Yahoo Web Hosting's Unlimited Platform
How Marketers Can Use Yahoo! Pipes to Increase Their Online Sales
While RSS end-user adoption has been relatively slow, marketers have jumped at the chance to use this new internet channel increase their online sales.
If you're new to the world of RSS --- RSS is a simple technology that allows you to deliver your online content directly to your subscribers, other websites and the search engines. It helps you improve your content delivery, as well as increase your online traffic and reach, and even conduct business intelligence more easily.
RSS content is delivered through so-called RSS feeds, which are just simple files that carry your online content. Each of these simple files containts multiple "stories" that you may want to deliver to your audiences, called "content items". A content item can be anything … an article, a blog post, a whole newsletter issue, a sales letter and so on.
But there is more to RSS than simply getting your content out.
[a] take multiple third-party RSS feeds,
[b] mix them together,
[c] filter your new mix using various keywords that you're interested in,
[d] use the mix and your filters to create a new stream of content, pulling together all the content items from dozens or hundreds of other RSS feeds … but only the content items that match your filters.
You can now take this stream of content and either subscribe to it yourself, if for example you want to find out immediately what the market is saying about you, what it's saying about your competitors, and what your competitors are doing themselves.
[a] enrich the visitor experience, by giving them access to the latest and most relevant list of content from your field, such as the latest news in the field you are covering … and do so automatically;
[b] by doing so also making your website more search engine friendly, thus increasing your rankings.
But up until now doing all of this was quite complicated and really wasn't accessible to most internet marketers.
But no longer so …
http://pipes.yahoo.com is the latest offering from Yahoo!, finally bringing the premise of NewsMastering to the mass market, and actually putting it on steroids.
The general idea behind Yahoo! Pipes is to allow its users to "easily" connect various internet data sources, mix them together in various ways, add additional functionality to them and create a new single output, pertaining directly to your settings.
While this may sound alot like the standard RSS aggregation & filtering we mentioned above, it actually goes much further than anything on the market in enabling you to manipulate outside sources and come up with a new content output, all of this in a visual programming environment.
The "old services" simply allowed you to combine various RSS feeds, set some basic rules on how you want to get content from them, such as limiting the output to only the content items that match your keywords and removing duplicates, and get a new single RSS feed from them. You could then subscribe to this RSS feed in your RSS Reader (for business intelligence purposes) or use it to display its contents on your website.
But Yahoo! Pipes goes much further.
[BTW - in the Yahoo! Pipes glossary, a pipe is an output you create from mixing and manipulating various content sources]
[a] Aggregate and Filter any XML Feed
Aggregate any kind of XML feed, not just RSS, which means that if your application provides an XML data output, you can now aggregate that data feed with other different feeds you might be interested in, and create a single RSS feed that you can subscribe to in your RSS Reader. Just as an example, imagine having an RSS feed that brings you various data from your organization in a single output, such as the latest sales data from your webstore, latest account of company expenses, notifications of new employees, important team communications, your website visitor counts and so on. It even lets you combine other pipes into a new single pipe.
[b] Content Manipulation
Apply various filters, such as a keyword content filter to give you only the content you're interested in, sort, count, truncate, join or even create your own filters. It even lets you add your own input fields. For example, you could create a pipe that aggregates all the RSS feeds from top online retailers, and include an input field that allows you to enter the name of the product you want the latest deals on, and then creates an on-the-fly output with the latest deals for this product. Essentially, it allows you to add simple or advanced search functionalities to filter out only the content you're really interested in ... from hundreds or even thousands of content sources.
[c] Social Applications
Browse through pipes created by other users to either use them as an end-user, or use their pipes to create your own new pipes. It of course also allows you to make your own pipes public and even provide them as a service to end-users.
There are really almost countless opportunities of what you can do with Yahoo! Pipes, and various new applications will surface when the service gets some milage.
The best part is, you can either create your own application that you use when the need arises from the Web, or an RSS feed that you subscribe to in your RSS Reader, to constantly deliver to you the content that you want. Or you can use the RSS feed to display that content on your website.
All of this is done through a visual interface, which might be daunting for the average user, but shouldn't present a problem to marketers that either have the time to learn the ropes or pay a little something to a person that already has.
If you're thinking of how you can profit from Yahoo! Pipes as a marketer, there really are countless opportunities.
[a] Provide highly relevant streams of content on your website to enrich the visitor experience.
[b] Become a preferred access point to relevant and latest content in your industry.
[c] Build applications that allow your visitors to easily access the content they're interested in.
[d] Take your business intelligence activities to the next level.
And much much more ...
With all the capabilities available through Yahoo! Pipes, countless new opportunities will certainly arise quickly.
The best part is, you can now more easily take advantage of them.
Build a Yahoo Web Site Fast With Yahoo Design Tools
Your web site makes a statement about who you are. If you’re like most business owners, you want that statement to be, "We’re a thriving, growing business." And if you’re like most business owners, you don’t want to spend a lot of money hiring a web designer. Yahoo Web Design Tools can help you create the Yahoo Web Site you want, easily and quickly. When you host your web site with Yahoo Small Business, you get a free domain and Yahoo Design Tools.
Web design does not have to be either expensive or difficult. Even if you know nothing about web design or HTML, you can create an excellent web site. When you use Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting, you’ll build your own web site from scratch. Yahoo Small Business web hosting offers a checklist that walks you through the entire process of building your Yahoo web site, from scratch. Build your site right on your Yahoo web hosting account, and you’re ready to go.
With the design tools from Yahoo Small Business, you can choose a professionally designed template for your Yahoo web site, and customize the template you choose. In fact, when you set up your Yahoo web site, you may find the perfect template for your type of business. For example, Yahoo Small Business web hosting has templates created especially for law firms. Whether you use a Yahoo Small Business web hosting design template as-is, or customize it to fit your needs, your Yahoo Small Business web site will make the statement that your business is ready to serve your customers.
When you set up your Yahoo web site, you can add forms without knowing any HTML, include driving directions and maps to help your customers find you easily, and customize your web site with as many pages as you need. With Yahoo small business web hosting, you’ll have unlimited web hosting, so you can create as many web pages as you need, store audio and video files, and have up to 1,000 email accounts and unlimited email storage to keep track of communications with your customers.
When it comes to web design, most designers say that from good, fast and cheap, you can choose two. When you choose Yahoo web hosting and Yahoo Small Business design tools, you don’t have to choose. You’ll get a great design, set it up yourself in no time at all, and get the design tools free with your Yahoo web site.
Yahoo Small Business is your perfect choice for creating your web site quickly, easily and without learning a complicated programming language or going to design school. Your unlimited Yahoo web hosting lets you communicate with your customers, make a great first impression on your customers, and keep your Yahoo web site up and running. Yahoo Small Business is your partner in running an online business that gets results.
When it comes to creating a web site that speaks for your business, Yahoo Small Business web hosting gives you the design tools, the unlimited storage and bandwidth, and the support you need to excel.
Yahoo Guidelines For Submission And Optimization
To get listed in the yahoo, first step is to find the suitable category page that best suits your website. Keep searching until you find the right category. Submitting in the most specific category increases your website chances of getting listed easily and earlier. Keep your Meta tags descriptions short. Do not use heavy promotional language or brand name in your descriptions. Make sure your site is entirely complete before you submit. If your site is not up to 100% or running it can be blacklisted. Do not submit site having an under construction page. Yahoo gives preference to a site having clean basic design and good content.
Yahoo discards off the title that looks like promotional ad copy. This seems to be odd especially in a business that seems to be all about promoting yourself. So ignore the phrases like Best and unrivaled service in the title. Some times overdose of SEO in your copy can hurt you. Follow the yahoo instructions or else if you do not follow their rules and guidelines they will ban you.
Do not try to put in the submission form any type of misinformation that is wrong or on par with fraud for them. Other point is that yahoo requires the site to list the physical address of the business. They do not accept post office box type of address. This keeps the scam doers out of their search engines.
Yahoo prefers original and unique value content with a genuine value for the reader. Pages designed primarily for human being are ranked higher. Use hyperlinks to assist people finding interesting and related content. Use Meta tags in description that accurately describes the contents of your web page.
Avoid these tasks in the procedure of yahoo optimization for a website. Do not stuff your pages with duplicate or repeated content. Yahoo can penalize you for spamming. Don’t use doorway pages. Do not use any method to partially inflate search engine ranking. Don’t participate in link exchange with link farms. Don’t stuff your pages excessively or off topic keywords. Do not use text with same coder as the background color or text that is not easily read, too small or is placed in an area of the web page not visible to users. And the final instruction is do not use any cloaking techniques.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Free Web Analytics
Local search optimization
Local search optimization targets on showcasing your website in front of consumer of your area which can approach you immediately. On part of consumers’ too local website are more faithful thus it is important for your business that people finding services in local area find you. Local search optimization frames a strategy which drives those local searchers to your website who are searching exactly the product you are selling. This strategy is crafted on the basis of study of online behaviors of local searchers such as which way they choose to find a particular product in their local market. This study is considered as the foundation to structure your website and the SEO campaign in the manner that people looking for your product divert to you directly.
Local SEO directs local visitors to your website. The local search optimization follows a strategy according to which only those keywords are targeted through which most people search products and services in their local area. This kind of optimization campaign brings the qualified visitor to your website who makes quick buying decisions and is looking for the same you offer. The biggest advantage of local search optimization is that the campaign can be inculcated into your global SEO plan in its first stage. In initial months the local traffic is focused and once your website conquers the local market the campaign elevates to international market.
Search Engine Friendly Web Design
You must be wondering what these web design services do on the SEO website. This is true that search engine friendly website design is an essential element for online success. Search engine friendly design doesn’t refer to just an eye-catching website but other factors too play critical role in making a website design search engine friendly. These factors are quality of content, easy navigation, correct and comprehensive interlinking between different pages, well studded keywords in content as well as HTML part and user friendly interface.
Actually search engines send their spiders to visit every website for checking relevance of its content with its related industry. These spiders are kind of user programs which navigate on your website as per instructions given in the textual content. If the design of your website interacts well with these spiders and helps them to navigate to every single detail about the product/services you offer, then high rankings on search engines are not far away.
The concept is completely different from the old SEO in which embedding keywords in Meta tags and other content was enough. The search engine bots possess reading ability only. If your content is not informative enough about what you serve then keyword stuffing in Meta tags and content is useless which will de-motivate search bots to consider your website for rankings.
Search engines look for content written in natural language, precisely which is industry relevant and informative in nature. Keywords should be used so smartly that it can’t be detected for which purpose these have been used. Titles of navigation buttons and links on website are also part of textual content for search engine bots. It is necessary to keep these titles descriptive of what you offer and where the related information has been placed. Clarity and simplicity of design can do the needful in this matter.
Let’s see what else is required to make a web design search engine friendly:
Clarity in interlinking
Normally websites place links like ‘learn more’ or ‘click here’ in the end of content. This term ‘learn more’ doesn’t encourage the search engine spider to navigate that page. In fact ‘learn more about softball uniforms’ is more interactive and clear in its idea or one can use ‘click here for softball uniforms’. The interlinking should be descriptive of product or industry related keywords to enhance the keyword density in your website.
Design is appeal for link exchange
Being a SEO friendly web design doesn’t mean that design is not required to be attractive. A designer should be aware that this website has to bait links and its eye-catching design can make the job easy. An impressive and interactive website design always entices other websites to link to that website which is good for the success of the SEO campaign.
Smart use of Flash
With the changing trends in web designing, Google’s algorithms are developing simultaneously. Now search engine spiders are able to crawl through flash part of the website. Still if flash is used to a certain limit it is always beneficial for website’s rankings.
The four things to keep in mind regarding the usage of Flash are:
- Avoid using flash for navigation bars.
- Important content should never be embedded into flash.
- Never place the entire site on one page.
- Remember that flash is just the design element so it should be used to only support the content.
The role of CSS
CSS is the most efficient tool to improve the visual experience of your website. Google looks for only two things on your website, 1. Easy perception and 2. Intent of your website. Easy navigation buttons with comprehensive titles are enough to make the perception of website easier for search engine bots. The intent indicates the relevance of the content with your industry but it doesn’t mean that you have to stuff your website with keywords. If your website’s intent is to highlight some new special offers and this content is clear at first sight then your website can successfully please the search engines.
What SEM SEO offers?
SEMSEO’s web design wing has an expert team of experienced web designers who are well-versed with the necessities of search engine friendly web design. In every SEO plan, along with web analysis, your website’s design is also analyzed so that necessary modifications can be made to improve your web positioning. At SEMSEO, we also offer independent search engine friendly web design services too. Just fill up the form and let us know your requirements.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Affiliate Marketing at a Glance with Google

Regarded as one of the choice Internet marketing systems offered to small businesses, affiliate marketing has caught the attention of accomplished entrepreneurs across the globe. With virtually no risk involved in the affiliate marketing game, payment is made only after results are provided. That is one of the several reasons that this form of trade has such a high level of popularity. And with a considerable number of programs currently available online, it is critical to make yours shine brightly above all other professional affiliate marketing systems.
Those with affiliate marketing expertise can easily secure an income of five figures per month. However, less than 5 percent of all individuals involved in these affiliate programs reach this milestone. A huge blunder that many affiliate potentials make is trying to merchandise too many products instead of concentrating on one particular market. In lieu of dispersing your endeavors, focus on your passion, advertise it, and sell it to the best of your abilities.
It is your responsibility to research the product or services that you are offering to the public. With the information you gather, you can produce a resource that builds your credibility with future customers and fellow affiliates. When you have the confidence of your peers, you are building trust in the world of affiliate marketing.
Once you have decided the affiliate market you are interested in, it is time to actively recruit partners. It is in your best interest to find individuals that have already developed traffic and would profit from your offer. You should provide your partners with promotional material, and make their affiliate marketing job as fun and easy as possible. Always keep in contact with your partners, and be sure to deliver updates or changes on products and services. It is also advisable to send tips on how to be successful in the marketing environment.
Promotion is a major component in any form of marketing. Several top affiliates use pay-per-click search engines. A huge blunder that many affiliate potentials make is trying to merchandise too many products instead of concentrating on one particular market. In lieu of dispersing your endeavors, focus on your passion, advertise it, and sell it to the best of your abilities. However, use these search engines with caution. If you don't know what you are doing you may lose money. It is best if you discover how to obtain natural search results or employ a search engine marketing firm.
Becoming a marketing guru is definitely not something that will happen overnight. Affiliate marketing takes research, motivation, and most of all, patience. You should provide your partners with promotional material, and make their affiliate marketing job as fun and easy as possible. Always keep in contact with your partners, and be sure to deliver updates or changes on products and services. But, as with all things, in the end it is all worth it.
To keep yourself motivated and to receive more helpful information about the nuts and bolts of starting and maintaining a profitable online business subscribe to one or more online e-zines and read every line of every issue. There are also many e-books and e-courses full of step-by-step, how-to instructions to help you get started in this profitable business.
3 Keys to Google Success

The word "Google" has almost entirely replaced the term "search engine." It goes without saying, then, that a formidable presence on Google is necessary for a successful internet marketing strategy. Below are the three most important keys to achieving top Google ratings.
Think long and hard about the keywords that people will use when searching for your product or service. Then make sure that the copy and content of your website are full of those keywords. The more keywords you have in your copy, the more likely it will be that your website will have a high Google ranking.
Let's say that many people searching for your product are likely to use the keyword "virtual assistant software." When you're creating your website, make a separate page dedicated to this keyword. Ideally, you'll use the keyword in a headline, the first sentence, and wherever else it fits in logically. You should try to use only one or two keywords per page, and ensure that your copy is focused on the keyword.
Including keyword pages will improve your page's ranking. Make sure your copy is rich and in-depth. The pages with the most relevant copy will be ranked highest.
Many marketers are surprised to learn that search engines can't navigate much of their content. It only makes sense that you won't get high rankings if the search engines can't read your site.
Search engines can only read words. If your site is dynamic, or if it includes Flash or Java, it's likely that the search engine can't read your site. It often happens that search engines can't navigate your site correctly, even if they can read the content. If your site doesn't include links or a site map to tell the search engine where to go next, it will just bounce around.
To see what Google indexes on your website, go to Google and type site:www.yourdomain.com. The results will show you the titles and descriptions of pages that Google can find on your site. If there are no titles or descriptions, then it's likely that your target audience won't be able to find you.
Search engines use links to determine your site's reputation and popularity. The search engines give higher rankings to pages that have links from relevant and important sites.
Link building has become a sophisticated process in the last few years. In essence, link building occurs when you find websites related to yours and have them link to your site. People naturally link to sites that have high-quality and relevant content, but you have to get other people to notice you in order to get those links. So try to get links from press releases, articles, directories, and social media sites.
If you have a well-established site with history, make sure that you don't increase the total number of links to your site by more than 10-15% each month. This may cause the search engines to believe that you're artificially inflating your link popularity. If you have a newer site, however, you can build links at a faster rate since you don't have an established history. Linking ensures that your position is stabilized in the search engines and that you get traffic from sites that link directly to you. But don't sit back and relax once you've established good links and a high search engine ranking. Link generation is an ongoing process.
You can also use the services of an SEO expert or internet marketing professional who specializes in search engine promotion. Using such a professional, or using the three strategies mentioned above, will ensure that you get the highest Google rankings and enjoy great success!